Big Brother 19 - Episodes 28 and 29: Everyone's a Weiner!

The power is up for grabs again, #ButFirst…
Mark is not giving up without a fight.  Even though he’s been put up as the replacement nominee, he is still actively campaigning to secure the votes to stay.  Matt is still a part of a power couple (although they don’t seem to hold any power…ever) and the last of the showmances.  Christmas would be happy with either leaving.  Mark talks to Jason, who tells him that if he can get Paul and Alex on board, he’d be good with keeping him. This, of course, pisses Alex off because no one is supposed to know that Paul is working with them!  Jason can’t seem to keep his mouth shut, and he really needs to work on that if he wants to last in this game.

Ultimately he can't secure the votes, and by a vote of 4-2 Mark is evicted.  They move right into the HoH competition, Everyone's a Weiner.  Each player has to stand inside of a hot-dog bun and hold on for dear life.  Periodically ketchup, mustard, relish, and water will be thrown at the HGs.  The person who holds on the longest will be HoH.

Kevin falls first, as with most things.  One by one the HGs fall from their buns on to their buns, with Paul throwing the comp so he doesn't have to choose a side yet, leaving Alex and Jason as the last ones standing.  Instead of this ride-or-die couple just deciding who will be HoH for the week, they actually make a game of it and start to try and make a deal with each other.  No one is more confused/upset by this than Matt.  He can't understand why they are dealing, why Alex feels the need to barter for her safety, and why they are dragging this comp out longer than they need to.  Alex seems to think by doing this, it can look like she and Jason aren't as close as everyone thinks. It just makes them look like assholes.  All they are doing is solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with in the house, and it's not a good look.  Alex eventually drops, and Jason wins HoH again.

Because the vote was 4-2, Matt is very curious as to who the two votes to evict were.  Alex reveals in the DR that one hour before eviction, she, Paul and Jason decide to throw a rogue vote out for Matt and blame it on Kevin.  Jason was supposed to cast that vote, but when Alex went to vote, she had a mental meltdown and voted for Matt to be evicted as well.  One vote, you can pin on Kevin.  Two votes? Way shadier.  To make it worse, Jason tells Kevin that he and Alex cast the votes for Matt to be evicted.  Neither of the votes can be pinned on Kevin now because he knows the truth!  Of course, this pisses off Alex and screws with their game.  See my earlier comment regarding Jason keeping his DAMNED MOUTH SHUT!  The rest of the house thinks that one of the votes was definitely Kevin's.  If any of that comes out though, all Kevin has to do is tell the truth to save his ass.

Side Note: The dining room table shrunk down to 8 seats.  We're at the halfway point, people!

Jason wants to put up Matt and Raven, but tell them that the plan is to back-door Kevin.  They think they aren't the targets when in reality they are the target.  With Jason opening his mouth to Kevin regarding the rogue votes, Kevin becomes a liability and may have to move up the ladder to the chopping block.  Paul has done an excellent job of planting seeds with all of the pairs in the house to take shots at each other.  As long as he doesn't have to take a side yet, he's sitting pretty.  Josh is starting to wonder about him a little, but Christmas calmed his fears and reassured Josh that he could trust Paul.  Like I said, the man is GOOD.

The Tree of Temptation springs to life, but no one takes the bait this week.  The reward isn't worth enough to anyone to risk getting a punishment.

Jason puts his plan into action and nominates Raven and Matt.  Once again I think he screws up during the nomination speech by saying that the house knows what the "actual" agenda is this week and to just get out there and play for PoV.  Um...WHAT???  "Actual" agenda?  The whole point of not putting Kevin up in the first place was to give him a sense of security so he wouldn't feel like he needed to win a comp.  By having who everyone thinks are your two main targets on the block, but eluding to the house having another agenda, it sends millions of red flags to Kevin...if he's got half a brain.  Kevin may or may not be the target, but he should ALWAYS feel like he's completely safe.  If Kevin ends up in a situation where he can't be nominated (wins veto) or just isn't nominated, Kevin has no idea that his name was even being thrown around.  Now he could get SUPER paranoid (Usain Bolt, y'all!), play in the Veto comp, WIN the Veto comp and not trust Jason or Alex anymore.  Jason should not be put into positions where he has to give any type of speech or is forced to lie.  He's going to ruin his and Alex's game if he continues to speak.

Is Kevin going to get paranoid?  Will noms stay the same and send Matt to Jury?  We'll find out who wins Veto and if it's used in a couple of days.  See you then!


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