Big Brother 19 - Episode 30: Quote the Maven..."Nevermore"

Matt and Raven are convinced that the plan is to back-door Kevin because that's what everyone is telling them.  After the nomination speech that inferred the idea without naming Kevin specifically, he hugged Raven and whispered in her ear "If I win Veto I'm gonna pull you off."  Alex has become increasingly frustrated with Kevin and doesn't trust him.  If someone other than Kevin wins the Veto, she wants Jason to pull down Raven to keep their comfort level high and put Kevin up.  This way they can see how Kevin acts for the rest of the week and the option is there to evict him if they need it.  Even though Jason says his real alliance is to Alex, he keeps including Kevin in on their plans and conversations.  It's never been spoken, but part of me wonders if Jason is trying to keep Kevin in his back pocket because he knows the house is eventually going to go after Alex.  She's a strong competitor and would have the jury votes to win.  Kevin, on the other hand, has only had his social game to rely on and has yet to win a competition.  I wouldn't expect anyone in this group to give him the win, seeing how competition is held in such high regard.

Side Note: Someone needs to tell Kevin that the toothbrush you use on your hair should NOT be the toothbrush you use on your teeth!

The three names drawn to compete in Veto are Josh, Paul, and Kevin.  In this week's Veto competition, everyone had a locked Veto card that they had to hide somewhere in the house.  One by one, the HGs had to go into the house and find the Veto cards.  The person's card that was hidden the best and not found won Veto.  I have a love/hate relationship with this comp.  The house becomes COMPLETELY trashed, while I'm sure is extremely fun to do in the moment, the HGs have to clean all of that crap up!  I'm so not down for that...unless I get the call from CBS (wink, wink), then I'm down for whatever! Kevin was shocked by the level of disarray in the house, which further proves he's never watched the show.  What is this, like, the third season they've done this type of comp?  Last year's was worse...people even dumped out boxes of cereal.

Side note:  Are all of my hints about calling me for the show getting through to anyone??  Bueller...Bueller?

Some of the hiding spots were creative.  The Veto cards were a pretty decent size, but he tied one of his shirts at the bottom, slipped the card inside, covered that with a jacket, and hung it in the closet.  In hindsight, it wasn't the best place.  Closets get torn apart, and if someone grabbed or even shifted the clothes, the weight difference would be noticeable.  His was one of the last ones found though, so still a pretty good job.  Meatball Josh hid his in the freezer, which has been done oh-so-many times.  His was found first.  Raven found two Veto cards...unfortunately one of those was Matt's.  In the end, Jason's Veto card was the one that wasn't found.  He hid it in one of the couch cushions, which has also been done many times, but no one checked them thoroughly enough, and it was overlooked.

Jason now holds all of the power for the week, and everyone has their own ideas on what he should do with it.  Alex, Paul, Christmas, and Josh want him to pull Raven off of the block and put Kevin up as a replacement nominee.  This way they can maybe scare Kevin into towing the party line and still evict Matt.  It will still look as though the plan is to back-door Matt, so Maven will feel safe.  Jason is starting to feel like he's being manipulated by Alex and Paul, so he talks to Kevin about going up on the block.  He readily admits that the rest of the house wants to vote Kevin out, but assures him that won't happen.  Kevin flat-out tells Jason NO, he will not go on the block, and that seems to be that.  Paul and Alex wander in on the conversation, and Jason tells them he's not putting Kevin up, keeping nominations the same. Jason says "he's not cool with it, so I'm not cool with it.  I'm not gonna do it, 'cause he's my pal."  If I were Alex, I'd really start to question his allegiance and think about cutting him loose. It's every HG for themselves, at this point.

This upsets the rest of the house, who potentially might want to vote out Kevin, but also because keeping the noms the same will anger Matt and Raven, causing an uncomfortable environment for the remainder of the week.  You have to remember, even though we're seeing this on Wednesday, Veto meetings are usually held on Sunday or Monday (I think).  Either way, there are a few days there that can be pretty uncomfortable for the betrayers and the betrayed.

The Veto meeting is held, and Jason gives a speech about "going back to his core beliefs and values" before stating that he is not going to use the PoV and keep nominations the same.  The look of shock on Raven and Matt's faces speaks volumes.  Jason then has the AUDACITY to say "but I will entertain a question from either of you if you'd like to know anything else." Raven promptly says "I don't have anything to say to you" and Matt just says "I'm good, buddy." Jason really should not be allowed to speak or give speeches.  He's horrible at it.  He's terrible at keeping secrets, and the more he talks, the more he lets loose.  Not a good trait to have in the BB house.

I personally don't want to see Matt leave.  I like him.  He's been a pawn for just about everyone, unfortunately sometimes pawns go home (shout out to Ramses!).  I'm wondering if we'll get to see how things are going in the Jury house. There probably isn't any tension there yet, so it doesn't make for good TV (shout out to the Paulie/Davonne fights!!) I know breaking up showmances is paramount in this game, but I don't mind them.  Matt didn't even get to finish his bowls of cereal!  Hopefully, there will be plenty in the jury house.

I'm also excited to see who will win HoH this week.  I doubt it will be Raven, but you never know. That's usually how things go: the person who feels the most wronged one week comes back to win HoH the next and wreak havoc on the house.  That would be fun to watch!


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