Big Brother 16: To The Wire

Well, there isn't much to talk about given the fact that we are in the final two weeks of the season.  I thought that either Frankie or Caleb would walk away with Seed Saw: The Remix, given their proficiency with the comp the first time around.  Caleb came away with the win and the other guys in the house couldn't be happier...with the exception of Frankie of course.  Having his game life in someone else's hands does not sit well with him.

Of course Derrick and Cody think this is the perfect opportunity to take a shot at Frankie and get him out of the door.  One thing I will say, it seems as though no one is interested in taking Victoria to the end with them to guarantee a win and that's refreshing.  Battle it out and see who comes out on top, I say.

The Jurors returned to the house to compete in a luxury comp that had the HGs watching from the sidelines.  The jurors had to run through the house and find hockey pucks that said "Knocked Out" and place those pucks on their fellow Juror's names to knock them out of the competition.  The HGs had to gamble on which Juror they thought would win, while watching them compete from the HoH room.  Christine was the first to be knocked out, which was no surprise.  No one likes her!  Nicole was a beast in this comp, but ultimately lost to her showmance Hayden.  Victoria bet on him as well, leaving both of them $5,000 richer.  Man, they tore that house APART! They'd just gotten the place clean! Makes me wonder if they had to clean it all up or if production helped at all.

Everyone made their case for not going up on the block.  It would be Cody's 3rd week in a row, Frankie is afraid and Derrick has never been put up.  Caleb wanted Derrick to take a bullet and be the pawn, telling them that if Frankie goes up and pulls himself off, he would be gunning for him.  Of course Derrick doesn't want to mar his perfect season of never being nominated, but if he is Caleb would be right out the door.  The Hitmen don't buy it and think Caleb is afraid to take the plunge.

Eventually Caleb nominated Victoria and Frankie, saying in his speech that Victoria is great, bit he made a final four deal that he plans on sticking to.  I believe him.  If Frankie goes to jury that's an instant vote against Caleb.  I think he will keep his word and let them fight it out in the end.  Might cost Caleb the money, but they've remained loyal this long, what's one more week?  I would still like to see Frankie or Derrick win.  They have both been big players in their own way and I respect both of their games.  Caleb has been manipulated this entire season and Cody hasn't done much, so I wouldn't give them the money unless I had to.  This week is a special Tuesday eviction with another eviction on Wednesday.  Can't wait!


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