Big Brother 19 - Episode 37: It's Gettin' Kinda Hectic

I can't believe we're already four!  #ButFirst...

Paul nominated Josh and Kevin, as expected.  Paul says that this week isn't about nominations, but Veto. Whoever wins the veto decides who goes home, unless that person is Paul.  Being HoH he can't vote, so there is zero blood on Paul's hands once again.  Kevin thinks that he has a final two deal with Paul and has no clue that he's the one Paul is gunning for.  He doesn't have to know either, see previous comment about the Veto winner evicting the HG.

Side Note: Christmas wants to go guns blazing for this Veto.  I just hope it's something she's medically cleared to compete in.

We get to see drama in the Jury house.  I heart it!  Matt walks in, and immediately Cody starts talking shit.  He walks off and refuses to actually participate in any conversation about the show.  I don't even understand his point anymore.  Jason walks in, still thinking that Alex had to know about his blind side. Raven enters the Jury house and shows the video from her week.  Raven confirmed to Jason that Alex had no idea about his eviction.  Raven tries to convince the jurors that her and Matt's alliance with Paul was the "real" alliance.  Elena just laughs in her face.

The jury house blows UP during Alex's video.  Jason says that Matt and Raven allege that they were puppet masters in the game and that none of the Jurors would be there if it weren't for them.  Raven goes off on him, and in turn, Mark goes off on her, stating that he's never heard of anyone referring to themselves as a "puppet master" and winning nothing. Matt is laughing hysterically beside Raven.  The whole scene is a shit-show that shows just how deep Paul's game runs.  Jason doesn't want anyone to vote for Paul to win if he makes it to the finals, whereas Alex and Raven feel that "it's the game" and if you're doing a good job at yours, no votes can be ruled out.

The final Veto comp of the summer is on deck.  There's a Big Brother time machine in "Back To The Veto." Nice! In each round, the HGs are given an event that happened in the house. Using Time Dials, it is their job to figure out on which day the event occurred.  One dial makes the digits change by 10 days, the other changes by the day.  If they think they have the right day, they lock in their answer with a buzzer.  If they are incorrect, they have to go again.  The player that finishes last has power drained from their machine.  If a player finishes last three times, their machine will be drained of power, and they will be eliminated.  The last player remaining wins Veto.

Just with all of the hype about "Kevin has to lose" and "there is no way we are letting Kevin take this," makes me worry that he actually won PoV*.  The first clue is when Jason got his Xtremeitard, day 53.  Christmas moved too slowly, and she loses the first round.  The second clue is what day Cameron appeared on the Memory Wall in "Inked and Evicted".  The answer is 36, and Kevin can't even remember Cameron being on the wall.  Paul and Josh have it right, with Christmas coming in third and Kevin bringing up the rear. The third clue is what day the Halting Hex was used, day 44.  Christmas gets it first, followed by Paul and Josh.  Kevin is two down. The fourth clue is Raven's "Never Not Pass" win, day 10.  Kevin loses this round too, so he's out of the competition.  Paul still wants to win the veto so he can control everything, but that doesn't necessarily keep blood off of his hands.  I think he can successfully throw it to either Christmas or Josh.  If Josh wins, he removes himself, Christmas goes up, and Josh votes Kevin out.  If Christmas wins, nominations can't change because she is the only person left to evict, but the PoV protects the winner from nomination, and she can send Kevin home.  If Paul wins the PoV and keeps noms the same, that shows Kevin the weren't in the alliance he thought all along.  On the flip side, Josh is known for going rogue.  He could get some crazy idea to evict Christmas because she didn't guarantee that she would take him to final two.  I think that would be the absolute LONGEST of shots, but in this game, I guess you can never really know.  Paranoia sets in, and I could see Paul thinking on that as a possibility, which would ruin his plan if he plans on taking her to the finals with him.  I believe that it's smarter for Paul to throw it and never tell Christmas or Josh that he did.  Kevin goes out of the house with no assistance from Paul (that he can see, anyway) and Paul has protected that vote.

The fifth clue is when Mark won his first Veto comp, day 46.  Christmas is last and has her second power drain.Clue six, the day of The Revengers trailer, which was day 79. Josh is killing this comp!  Christmas comes in last again and is taken out of the comp.  Clue seven is the day the HGs were zinged by Zingbot day 60.  Paul gets it right, and Josh gets his first power drain. Clue eight is the day that Jillian appeared in BB Comics, day 81.  Paul buzzes in first again, giving Josh one last time to get an incorrect answer. Clue nine, when was the first unanimous eviction, day 30.  Paul beats Josh by a hair and takes the Veto. 

Kevin feels safe on the block, even if the noms have to stay the same.  Does Kevin really think that Christmas would vote Josh out over him?  Is he really that clueless in the game?  Don't worry, that's rhetorical.

Paul is telling Kevin exactly what he wants to hear so that when he is evicted, he will maybe think Paul had neither an idea about nor a hand in it.  Kevin is now planting seeds of doubt into Paul's ear, telling him that if he takes Christmas to the finals that Christmas will win over Paul.  Kevin also says that if Paul takes him to the finals and he comes in second, he is completely fine with that.  Is this social game lip service?  Methinks YES!  The live Veto meeting is held, and Paul decides not to use the Veto, giving Christmas the power to evict Kevin.  HA!  I typed that before he made his decision.

Side Note: Kevin's joke about being on the block so much he felt like one of the New Kids joke was nice.  I'll give him props for that because I'm a MAJOR fan!!!!

Christmas casts her vote to evict Kevin.  HA!  I typed that before she spoke too!  It shows the predictability.  Wait...she said Kevin was her House Husband?  That's a relationship they never showed on TV unless I just blocked it out.  Kevin recognized that you need to win comps (which he didn't) as well as have a great social game (which he did).  Once again, during the final messages, Josh tells Kevin that he, Christmas, and Paul had a final three deal and Kevin was their last target.  I don't remember anyone doing that in recent history, and Josh has already done it twice!  He's trying to get the word out that Paul was the snake Dominique eluded to and take Jury votes from him.  I'd like to say Paul doesn't plan on taking Josh to final two, but last year he took Nicole and lost by one vote.  If he brings Christmas and loses again, he's going to kick his own ass.  Josh at least has enemies in the jury, maybe Paul's game play would be enough to sway people to his side.  With Christmas, I don't know if that's possible.  The argument that she was too laid up to play in many comps will definitely come up.  Hell, Jason will probably give her his vote for the simple fact that he is the one that caused her to break her foot!  Kevin has no hard feelings because he recognizes the nature of the game.  I'll give him props for that too.

Welp, Josh, Christmas, and Paul are this years final three, and they're poppin' bottles and screaming their heads off.  I will fully admit that I NEVER saw Josh or Christmas making it this far, but it isn't a terrible Top 3.  Paul has played a fantastic game, Josh has fought when he needed to and I just like Christmas as a person.  There's a special #FlashBackFriday episode this week, where the three HGs will reminisce and reflect on this past season, and begin the three part HoH process.  

I know some of my friends think that this has been the worst season of Big Brother, but I have to respectfully disagree.  I got so tired of seeing the house vote the way the HoH wanted CONSTANTLY in past seasons.  No one really wanted to shake up the house.  This season it started with Cody's dumb-ass, but it's a theme that carried through the season.  Paul has put in TONS of work, and I sincerely hope he wins it.  If not Paul, I would like to see Christmas win.  I was over Josh's ass a long time ago and don't want to see him take home the prize.  With all of that being said, it's still anyone's game, and I'm looking forward to a bittersweet Finale Night.

*I can't believe I actually voiced out loud that I thought Kevin might've won a comp!


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