Big Brother 19 - Episode 32: Short and Sweet

Matt's gone, and the HoH needs to be played because of a rain delay.  Paul has orchestrated a plan for Christmas and Josh to take a shot at Jason and Alex, all while keeping his own hands clean.  He has convinced Jason and Alex that Kevin is the back-door plan for the week, he has convinced Kevin that he's safe for the week if he throws the comp, and he's convinced Raven to throw the comp. All in a day's work for my man Paul!

The HoH Competition is "Ready, Set, Woah!"  The HGs have to be in a runner's starting position, pushing down two buzzers with their hands.  On screens before them, the words "ready" and "set" will appear.  When they see the word "Go," they have to run down the lane and hit any of the finish buzzers.  The last runner to hit a buzzer is eliminated.  Kevin doesn't seem like he wants to throw the comp, but Paul convinces him to let go of a buzzer and bow out.  He's the first to go down.  The round starts again, and Alex also lets go of her buzzer.  Raven is out third, with Paul following suit.  Four people have been eliminated from the comp, and it's only the first round!  Not one person has had to run yet!  Josh wants to throw it to Christmas so he can compete next week.  Christmas doesn't think it's realistic for the only woman on crutches to win in a foot race, so she tells Josh to stumble and sell it.  He jumps off of the buzzer and tumbles forward, looking like a fool.  Christmas wins Hoh without a SINGLE ROUND being played.

Alex and Jason are so convinced that Kevin is the back door option that Alex volunteers to go up as a pawn.  Jason is the primary target and putting up both of them together guarantees one of them goes home.  That's a lot of faith to have in someone that you have barely talked game with, but Paul is the go-between for everyone, and he has secured everyone's trust in the house.  Say what you want, but he's playing one hell of a game.  He has yet to be on the block this season.

Side Note: The Tree of Temptation has pretty much been a non-issue.  No one took the bait this week, so the Tree is now out of play.  I'm just curious to see what else Big Brother throws at them this season.  You know they're not done screwing with the HGs.

Christmas decides to hit Jason head-on by telling him at the nomination ceremony that he is a strong male competitor and therefore he is a threat that needs to be dealt with.  She could've very easily did the same shit to them that they did to Maven, but she took the high road and told the truth.  If the DR footage is any indication, Jason is concerned, but still, thinks the plan is to back-door Kevin.  If one of them wins Veto and comes down, Kevin will be the automatic replacement (if he's not the one to win Veto).  Wednesday will be interesting, to say the least.  Do you think Jason will be the one to leave this week, or will Kevin stir up some more shit and get himself bounced from the house?  We'll have to see who wins Veto Wednesday night!


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