Big Brother 19 - Episode 33: Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say...But Not Really?

Christmas was VERY CLEAR in her nomination speech, but for some reason, Alex and Jason still think Kevin is the back-door plan.  Only one person will sit out of this Veto comp, and Christmas is hoping against hope that it's Kevin's name that doesn't get picked.  In true Big Brother fashion, Christmas pulls Kevin's name from the box.  He's excited to compete, but can we be honest with each other?  The only thing he's won all season is $25,000, and that didn't take a lick of skill!

Paul, once again working his magic, convinces Alex and Jason that they should throw the comp to him.  He wins Veto, pulls off Alex, Kevin goes up, and the game is still afoot.  If Kevin goes on the block, it makes Jason think the plan of back-dooring Kevin is legit.  If Paul has the veto, he can't become a back-door option, which is a real possibility if anyone catches on to his act.  Speaking of which...

After noms, Paul tells Jason he had no idea that Christmas was going to put both of them up, and feigns concern about possibly being back-doored.  Josh hears this and realizes that Paul is playing all angles, trying to secure his own Jury votes.  He brings this to Christmas' attention, and while she says she is upset about the information, realizes that she needs both Paul and Josh to get her to final two.  She's banking on either Josh eliminating Paul or vice versa, guaranteeing her spot in the final two.

Is Josh really the only meatball in the house that sees what Paul is doing, or is this just the first time we've heard someone voice it on TV?  I'd like to think the one can be that stupid, can they?

The Veto comp was hosted by none other than Bobby Moynihan of Saturday Night Live fame.  He is starring in a comedy called Me, Myself and I this Fall on CBS, so what better way to promote said show? Turns out he's a huge Big Brother fan (I mean, who isn't?  This damn train wreck is fantastic!!).  The only one sitting this one out was Josh.  Each HG had to stand in a Slap, Punch, and Kick machine to get straight-up assaulted.  They had to remember the order they were slapped, punched and/or kicked and answer a question about the sequence.  Each right answer gave the HG a point.  The HG with the most points won.  In case of a tie, sudden death rounds would be played.

The sequences were pretty complicated in some parts, so kudos to the HGs who got right answers.  It came down to Paul and Alex in MULTIPLE sudden death rounds. Alex said she couldn't remember if she was supposed to win the comp, or throw it to Paul.  She looked to Jason for a sign, and he said to gun for it.  Paul was expecting her to throw it, so he's bewildered.  Ultimately Alex lost to Paul, and he won PoV.

Josh doesn't want he and Christmas to be the only ones with blood on their hands this week, so he wants Paul not to use the Veto.  He realizes that Paul using the Veto makes him look like a good guy...Alex is safe, and he kept his word.  If the house votes Jason out, Paul can play ignorant, or say there was nothing he could do to flip the house back. Josh is right in his reasoning, but Paul is thinking about his own game...something Josh doesn't seem to be doing.  Josh readily admits in the DR that he has been playing the game for his team, but he's had no clear strategy for himself until now.  I think he knows it's time he found one.

Kevin tries to put a bug in Jason's ear, saying that the house wants either Alex or Jason out, and they will settle on whichever one they can get.  This worries Jason, but Christmas calms his fears.  Christmas may not have lied during her nomination speech, but she sure as hell is lying now.  Jason also makes a comment to Josh that everyone knows Josh and Christmas are in an alliance, but quickly played the "I'm just kiddin', man" card.  This also worries Josh, because now he thinks that Paul planted that bug in Jason's ear.

Paul uses Veto on Alex, and Christmas nominates Kevin, stating that it's because he's never been on the block.  Neither has Paul, but that little tidbit seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle...which is where Paul hopes it stays.  Double Eviction is on deck, and I'm about to watch it now.  I can't wait!!

Side note: Celebrity Big Brother coming Winter 2018? YES, PLEASE!!


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